The Flexibility of Drupal 8

A presentation at NYC Drupal Camp in July 2016 in New York, NY, USA by Michael Miles

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MIKE MILES Genuine ( All the internet places: mikemiles86

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WHAT MAKES DRUPAL FLEXIBLE Modular design Decoupled systems Open Source nature

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WHY FLEXIBLITY IS IMPORTANT Make Drupal do what you want No “right way”, just a “right for me” way Adjust for skillsets, time and budget

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THREE AREAS OF FLEXIBILITY The Interface Display Layer Data Layer

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FOCUS OF THIS SESSION To prove the flexiblity of Drupal To demostrate abilities of all skillsets To discuss considerations and limitations

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THE DEMO Drupal 8.1.3 Standard Install Profile Change menu tabs using 8 different methods

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THE BEFORE A plain Drupal 8 install with menu menu links before altering.

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THE AFTER Drupal 8 main menu a er altering 8 different ways.

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THE “CLICKING BUTTONS” METHOD “Easy” and “Quick” Little to No dev skills needed Capabilities are limited

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Use Drupal core to edit a main menu link. Limited to changing the title and the destination.

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The first menu link has been altered using only Drupal core.

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THE EXTEND CORE METHOD Requires time for research. Can’t find one? Can build your own (Dev skills needed) Requires long term maintence

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Look for modules on to see if there is one that meets your needs. Found the Menu Links Attributes module for Drupal 8.

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Many ways to download and enable modules. Will use the core interface to enable the Menu Links Attributes module a er downloading.

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When editing a menu link, now have more attributes available to set.

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Menu Links Attributes module requires some technial (YAML) knowledge to customize

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1 attributes: 2 class: 3 label: ” 4 description: ” 5 target: 6 label: ” 7 description: ” 8 options: 9 _blank: ‘New window (_blank)’ 10 _self: ‘Same window (_self)’ 11 style: 12 label: ” 13 description: ” 14 _core: 15 default_config_hash: 9nRDOclwSlz2Os9mJXM1LXNbV2q-bADV0zipiWPXymk Add a new configurable ‘style’ attribute (lines 11-13) to the YAML

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A er saving configuration, now able to add inline style to menu links

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Using a contrib module allowed for altering the style of the “Modules” main menu link.

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THE ALTER MARKUP METHOD Almost everything is templated Need to know HTML and/or Twig Requires a custom theme

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Can use Twig debug to learn which template the main menu uses.

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1 <!— THEME DEBUG —> 2 <!— THEME HOOK: ‘menu__main’ —> 3 <!— FILE NAME SUGGESTIONS: 4 * menu—main.html.twig 5 x menu.html.twig 6 —> 7 <!— BEGIN OUTPUT from ‘core/themes/classy/templates/navigation/menu.html.twig’ —> 8 <ul class=”clearfix menu”> 9 <!— // … —> 10 <li class=”menu-item”> 11 <a href=”/node/3” data-drupal-link-system-path=”node/3”>Twig</a> 12 </li> 13 <!— // … —> 14 </ul> 15 <!— END OUTPUT from ‘core/themes/classy/templates/navigation/menu.html.twig’ Twig debug tells the available template names to override current template.

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Create a custom theme (flex_theme), to override the menu—main.html.twig template.

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1 {# … #} 2 {% if items %} 3 {# … #} 4 {% for item in items %} 5 {# … #} 6 <li{{ item.attributes.addClass(classes) }}> 7 {% if item.title == ‘Twig’ %} 8 {% set style = ‘background:#0F0;color:#F00’ %} 9 {{ link(item.title ~ ’ Alt’, item.url, { ‘style’: style }) }} 10 {% else %} 11 {{ link(item.title, item.url) }} 12 {% endif %} 13 {# … #} 14 </li> 15 {% endfor %} 16 </ul> 17 {% endif %} flex_theme/templates/menu—main.html.twig Add logic to twig template (lines 7-12) to check title of current link and alter the styling.

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Enabling the new theme as default so that Drupal will use the custom twig template for output.

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Result of using a custom theme with template to alter “Twig” menu link.

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#4 CSS

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THE ALTER DISPLAY METHOD Target any element on the “page” Need to know CSS and how to add a library Requires a custom theme or module

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Will add some custom styling to existing custom theme (flex_theme)

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1 .menu—main .menu li:nth-child(5) a { 2 background: #0000FF; 3 color: #FFF; 4 } themes/flex_theme/css/menu_alter.css Use custom CSS to target the 5th item in the main menu

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1 menu-alter: 2 version: VERSION 3 css: 4 component: 5 css/menu_alter.css: {} themes/flex_theme/flex_theme.libraries.yml Custom CSS and JavaScript need to be added to a custom library. Custom libraries are defined in a *.libraries.yml file.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 name: Flex Theme type: theme description: An theme to demo the flexibility of Drupal 8. package: Core version: VERSION core: 8.x base theme: bartik libraries: - flex_theme/menu-alter themes/flex_theme/ Add custom library as a dependency of the theme in the *.info.yml file. Drupal will include this library on any page where this theme is used.

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The “CSS” menu link has been altered using custom CSS. Only able to alter the display of menu item.

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THE DOM MANIPULATION METHOD Change based on actions Need to know JavaScript and how to add a library Dependent on client browser, delay in execution

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Will add new JavaScript and CSS to custom theme to alter data using custom JavaScript.

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1 (function ($, Drupal) { 2 “use strict”; 3 Drupal.behaviors.flexThemeMenuAlterMain = { 4 attach: function (context) { 5 $(‘.menu—main li a’).each(function(){ 6 if ($(this).attr(‘href’) == ‘/node/5’) { 7 $(this).addClass(‘yellow-menu’); 8 $(this).attr(‘style’, ‘color: #000;’); 9 $(this).attr(‘target’, ‘_blank’); 10 $(this).text($(this).text() + Drupal.t(’ Alt’)); 11 } 12 }); 13 } 14 } 15 })(jQuery, Drupal); themes/flex_theme/js/menu_alter_main.js Write a Drupal Behaviour that will trigger whenever the DOM loads. Target a specific menu item to change value and add a custom class.

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1 .yellow-menu { 2 background: #FFFF00; 3 } themes/flex_theme/css/menu_alter_main.css Add some basic CSS for to a custom class name.

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1 menu-alter: 2 version: VERSION 3 css: 4 component: 5 css/menu_alter.css: {} 6 menu-alter-main: 7 version: VERSION 8 css: 9 component: 10 css/menu_alter_main.css: {} 11 js: 12 js/menu_alter_main.js: {} 13 dependencies: 14 - core/jquery 15 - core/jquery.once 16 - core/drupal themes/flex_theme/flex_theme.libraries.yml Add a second library to libraries.yml file. A Liibrary can define both CSS and JS files to include, as well as, any dependencies on other libraries.

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1 {{ attach_library(‘flex_theme/menu-alter-main’) }} 2 {# … #} 3 {% if items %} 4 {# … #} 5 {% for item in items %} 6 {# … #} 7 <li{{ item.attributes.addClass(classes) }}> 8 {% if item.title == ‘Twig’ %} 9 {% set style = ‘background:#0F0;color:#F00’ %} 10 {{ link(item.title ~ ’ Alt’, item.url, { ‘style’: style }) }} 11 {% else %} 12 {{ link(item.title, item.url) }} 13 {% endif %} 14 {# … #} themes/flex_theme/templates/menu—main.html.twig Libraries can be attached from within a template files, by using the twig function ‘attach_library’. Attaching new library only when the template menu—main.html.twig is included on page.

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The “JavaScript” menu item is altered a er custom JavaScript triggers, changing values and assigning a new class name for syling.

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THE ALTER DATA METHOD Provided by core and modules Requires PHP and Drupal skillset Requires custom theme or module

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Can use Twig debug to learn naming convention for hooks

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1 <!— THEME DEBUG —> 2 <!— THEME HOOK: ‘menu__main’ —> 3 <!— FILE NAME SUGGESTIONS: 4 X menu—main.html.twig 5 X menu—main.html.twig 6 * menu.html.twig 7 —> 8 <!— BEGIN OUTPUT from ‘themes/flex_theme/templates/menu—main.html.twig’ —> 9 <ul class=”clearfix menu”> 10 <!— // … —> 11 </ul> 12 <!— END OUTPUT from ‘themes/flex_theme/templates/menu—main.html.twig’ Twig debug information informs that theme hooks should contain ‘menu__main’ (line 2)

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Will create a custom module (flex_module) to implement hooks.

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1 // Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK(). 2 function flex_module_preprocess_menu__main(&$variables) { 3 // Loop through all menu tabs. 4 foreach ($variables[‘items’] as &$menu_tab) { 5 // Current tab pointing to node/6 ? 6 if ($menu_tab[‘url’]->toString() == ‘/node/6’) { 7 // Alter Title 8 $menu_tab[‘title’] .= ’ Alt’; 9 // Existing attributes? 10 $attributes = $menu_tab[‘url’]->getOption(‘attributes’); 11 // Add custom styling. 12 $attributes[‘style’] .= ‘color:#FFF;background:#F00;’; 13 // Add back modified attributes. 14 $menu_tab[‘url’]->setOption(‘attributes’, $attributes); 15 } 16 } 17 } module/custom/flex_module/flex_module.module Implement a preprocess hook targeted at the main menu. Loop through all the menu items and alter any that point to node/6

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Can enable modules from command line using Drush.

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“Hooks” menu item has been altered by using preprocess hook in a custom module

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THE REPLACE CORE METHOD Replace/Alter global systems Requires advanced Drupal and OOP skillset Requires a custom module

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Using a custom service requires some PHP classes within a custom module.

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1 namespace Drupal\flex_module; 2 3 use Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\ServiceProviderBase; 4 use Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder; 5 6 class FlexModuleServiceProvider extends ServiceProviderBase { 7 /** 8 * {@inheritdoc} 9 */ 10 public function alter(ContainerBuilder $container) { 11 // Override menu_link_tree class with custom. 12 $definition = $container->getDefinition(‘menu.link_tree’); 13 $definition->setClass(‘Drupal\flex_module\FlexModuleMenuLinkTree’); 14 } 15 } modules/custom/flex_module/src/FlexModuleServiceProvider.php Need to create a *ServiceProvider class that extends the ServiceProviderBase class (line 6). Will override the ‘alter’ method (lines 10 -14), and change the PHP class uses for the menu Tree service (lines 12 - 13)

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1 namespace Drupal\flex_module; 2 use Drupal\Core\Menu\MenuLinkTree; 3 4 class FlexModuleMenuLinkTree extends MenuLinkTree { 5 // Overrides \Drupal\Core\Menu\MenuLinkTree::build(). 6 public function build(array $tree) { 7 $build = parent::build($tree); 8 if (isset($build[‘#items’]) && $build[‘#theme’] == ‘menu__main’) { 9 $n = 0; 10 foreach ($build[‘#items’] as &$item ) { 11 if (++$n == 8) { 12 // Change Title, path and add styling. 13 $item[‘title’] .= ’ Alt’; 14 $item[‘url’]->setOption(‘attributes’, array( 15 ‘style’ => ‘color:#00F;background:#FFA500;’, 16 )); 17 } 18 } 19 } 20 return $build; modules/custom/flex_module/src/FlexModuleMenuLinkTree.php 21 } Create a new service class that extends the core MenuLinkTree service (line 4). Will override the core ‘build’ method, so that can use custom logic to tartget the 8th main menu item.

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Drupal now uses custom menu link tree service to render menu links. Custom logic thus casues the “Services” menu tab to be altered.

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THE REAL WORLD METHOD Most control over Drupal Use multiple skillsets Requires more time and effort

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1 namespace Drupal\flex_module; 2 use Drupal\Core\Menu\MenuLinkTree; 3 4 class FlexModuleMenuLinkTree extends MenuLinkTree { 5 // Overrides \Drupal\Core\Menu\MenuLinkTree::build(). 6 public function build(array $tree) { 7 $build = parent::build($tree); 8 if (isset($build[‘#items’]) && $build[‘#theme’] == ‘menu__main’) { 9 $n = 0; 10 foreach ($build[‘#items’] as &$item ) { 11 // … 12 if ($item[‘url’]->toString() == ‘/node/8’) { 13 $item[‘title’] .= ’ Alt’; 14 } 15 } 16 } 17 return $build; 18 } 19 } modules/custom/flex_module/src/FlexModuleMenuLinkTree.php Use custom service to alter the Display title of a menu link (lines 12 - 14)

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1 // Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK(). 2 function flex_module_preprocess_menu__main(&$variables) { 3 $size = count($variables[‘items’]); 4 $m = 1; 5 // Loop through all menu tabs. 6 foreach ($variables[‘items’] as &$menu_tab) { 7 // Current tab pointing to node/6 ? 8 if ($menu_tab[‘url’]->toString() == ‘/node/6’) { 9 // … 10 } 11 $menu_tab[‘is_combo’] = ($m++ == $size); 12 } 13 } modules/custom/flex_module/flex_module.module Use a preprocess hook in a custom module to target items in main menu. Will add new menu item boolean attribute to check if last item (line #11).

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1 (function ($, Drupal) { 2 “use strict”; 3 Drupal.behaviors.flexThemeMenuAlterMain = { 4 attach: function (context) { 5 $(‘.menu—main li a’).each(function(){ 6 // … 7 if ($(this).data(‘combo’) == 1) { 8 $(this).addClass(‘combo-item’); 9 } 10 }); 11 } 12 } 13 })(jQuery, Drupal); themes/flex_theme/js/menu_alter_main.js Will use custom JavaScript that is part of a custom library to add the class ‘combo-item’ to any main menu link that has the data-attribute “combo”

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1 .menu—main .menu li a.combo-item { 2 color: #000; 3 font-weight: 800; 4 text-shadow: 0 0 #000 !important; 5 background: red; /* not working, let’s see some red */ 6 background: -moz-linear-gradient( top , 7 rgba(255, 0, 0, 1) 0%, 8 rgba(255, 255, 0, 1) 15%, 9 rgba(0, 255, 0, 1) 30%, 10 rgba(0, 255, 255, 1) 50%, 11 rgba(0, 0, 255, 1) 65%, 12 rgba(255, 0, 255, 1) 80%, 13 rgba(255, 0, 0, 1) 100%); 14 background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, 15 color-stop(0%, rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)), 16 color-stop(15%, rgba(255, 255, 0, 1)), 17 color-stop(30%, rgba(0, 255, 0, 1)), 18 color-stop(50%, rgba(0, 255, 255, 1)), 19 color-stop(65%, rgba(0, 0, 255, 1)), 20 color-stop(80%, rgba(255, 0, 255, 1)), themes/flex_theme/css/menu_alter.css 21 color-stop(100%, rgba(255, 0, 0, 1))); Write a CSS rule to change background color of any menu item with the class ‘combo-item’

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1 <ul class=”menu”> 2 {% endif %} 3 {% for item in items %} 4 {# … #} 5 <li{{ item.attributes.addClass(classes) }}> 6 {% if item.title == ‘Twig’ %} 7 {# … #} 8 {% elseif item.is_combo %} 9 {{ link(item.title | reverse, item.url) }} 10 {% else %} 11 {{ link(item.title, item.url) }} 12 {% endif %} 13 {# … #} 14 </li> 15 {% endfor %} 16 </ul> theme/flex_theme/tempplates/menu—main.html.twig Will use a custom templte to build main menu. Will check to see if menu item has attribute ‘is_combo’ and if so, will reverse the menu text.

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1 attributes: 2 class: 3 label: ” 4 description: ” 5 target: 6 label: ” 7 description: ” 8 options: 9 _blank: ‘New window (_blank)’ 10 _self: ‘Same window (_self)’ 11 style: 12 label: ” 13 description: ” 14 data-combo: 15 label: ‘Combo Item’ 16 description: ‘Is this a combo menu item?’ 17 options: 18 0: ‘No’ 19 1: ‘Yes’ 20 _core: 21 default_config_hash: 9nRDOclwSlz2Os9mJXM1LXNbV2q-bADV0zipiWPXymk Will update the configuration of Menu Link Attributes module, to include a custom ‘data-combo’ attribute (lines 14-19).

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Will use Drupal core to edit menu item and set custom attribute ‘data-combo’ to ‘Yes’

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Result of using multiple manipulations methods, the last menu item is greatly altered.

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WHAT DID WE LEARN? Drupal is flexible! No “right” way, just “right for me” way

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RESOURCES This presentation Annotated Slides Demo code (theme and module) My blog

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